Does our conscious awareness exist outside of our body?

This paper by R. Pizzi from the University of Milan seems to have long term important implications for us all. It seems to fit with Bohm’s Infinite Potential Theory. If Bohm’stheory interests you might see my post of some worth. It is very detailed. It incorporates some of Albert Einsteins views about science and its relationship with religion (Bohm and Einstein were great friends)

The implications of the attachment seem to be scientifically significant. I present to you both the abstract as well as a section of the conclusions of this document. What they seem to mean is that our consciousness [awareness] rests outside of our bodies and this in turn opens the door for the possibility that paranormal/metaphysical/cosmic-entangled phenomena can be explained. The original on line document is well dated but when you read it in conjunction with Bohms theory I do not believe that this matters.



Evidence presented by R. Pizzi from the University of Milan Italy in papers[1,2,3] and derived from personal correspondence [4] suggest that neural network colonies grown from a single cell with identical DNA are able to communicate when they are electromagnetically isolated from each other. If true, the implications of this discovery for brain research, cognitive science, the role of DNA medical applications, and the development of quantum computers are highly significant. This report presents the evidence I have been able to gather to support the veracity of this discovery. Our intention is to determine whether sufficient evidence supports the reality of this effect and whether or not verification experiments and further exploration of these phenomena is warranted.”

Quote drawn from the conclusion of this document:

“…3) What is the correct explanation? If the signals are related and electromagnetic communication can be ruled out what then is the mechanism that connects the two living neurons?

ANSWER: Some form of [metaphysical/ontological] quantum entanglement appear likely candidates however we recommend treating this experiment as an empirical phenomena for which a theory is still to be evolved.

In conclusion we feel the implications of this discovery for brain research, cognitive science, the role of DNA in medical applications, and the development of quantum physics is extremely significant. Furthermore the evidence outlined in this report is compelling enough to justify both further investigation and efforts for organizing verification experiments in an independent laboratory.”

You will find the original online document here

You will find the same document in pdf format here

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